Sunday 25 August 2013

Looking Back...

I spent some time tonight rummaging through old photos in search of ones from our first family holiday to Bali in 1995. I didn't find what I was looking for, but I found some winners from one of my mum's trip, back in 1981. She was staying in Sanur at the Gazebo Hotel which is now in the process of being demolished. She was telling me how back then, Sanur was very sleepy and the only way to get there was in a bemo, first into Denpasar and then another to Sanur. Kuta was also not as busy, congested or built up, although was still a place to party. Mum also shared with me how one of her girlfriends that she was travelling with decided to give Magic Muchrooms a try. Apparently the results were not so pretty.

As much as I love Bali now, I would have so loved to have seen and experienced it back then.

Looking North, Sanur Beach
A street in Kuta


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